Jalebis are one of festive sweets in India.In northern part of India it is served in breakfast also, but rest of India it is a desert.My husband loves this a lot,Today while talking with my in-laws,,jalebi topic came so i though of posting this recipe.It is easy but little tricky.Traditionally they ferment the dough over-night,but here I use yeast for doing the same thing but save some time.It can se served hot or cold.
Here goes the recipe...
- 1/2 cup All Purpose flour
- 1 tsp besan (gram flour)
- 1/2 tsp yeast
- 1/2 tsp oil
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- About 1/3 cup of lukewarm water (as needed)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup water
- Pinch of cardamom powder
- Few strands of saffron(optional)
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice(to control the cristalization)
Squeeze bottle
- Dissolve the yeast and sugar in luke warm water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Mix the al purpose flour,gram flour(besan),oil.
- Pour the yeast mixture to the flour mixture and make a smooth paste.
- Let the batter sit for 1 hour.Don't let it over ferment.
- Boil the water and sugar together 10 minutes.
- Add cadamom and safron to the water and switch off the flame.
- Heat oil in a pan for deep frying.Test the oil putting a drop of batter.if it floats immediately then the oil is ready for fryingJalebis.
- Pour the batter in a squeeze bottle as shown in the picture.You can replace the zip lock with a hole in it.But I always use the squeeze bottle.
- When oil is ready squeeze the batter on hot oil making a spiral shape of 2-3 inch diameter.
- When the Jalebis are brown on both sides then take it out of oil and deep in syrup for few seconds and serve hot.

Tips: If you like crispy jalebis then add 1 tbsp rice flour to the batter
Arey the title should have been , spiral desert that goes round and round and round (obvliously like spiral ) dipped in the highly dense sugar syrup .